Monday, September 24, 2012

Colour Experimentation

Today the students explored mixing colours as an inquiry activity. 

Students predicted what they thought what would happen and then explored mixing colours together to see if their predictions were correct.  We discovered that red and yellow made orange, blue and red made purple, yellow and blue made green, and all the colours mixed together made black.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Exploration and Art

Today our kindies went for a nature walk in our school yard to see all the different kinds of plants that live there.  We brought back leaf samples into our class to view and explore the different sizes, shapes and textures.  We're in the process of using our leaves to create wonderfully unique art pieces that we hope parents will enjoy seeing on our Meet the Teacher Night tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Welcome back to a new school year!  And welcome back to Mrs. Morrow who has returned from her maternity leave and is excited to be back at Osler.

We've had a successful first week and are happy to see all the students starting to settle in to our routines.  Our very first ELK newsletter has gone home today and outlines our program, important information and upcoming dates. 

New Kindergarten parents who came to our Kindergarten Information Night back in June received a "Kindergarten Handbook" which outlines the ABC's of our ELK class.  If you do not have a copy, or need a new one, please let Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Morrow know so that we can get one to you ASAP.

Our class has been exploring our school yard environment and seeing all the critters that live there.  We have started a Math unit on sorting and patterning and trying to explain our thinking and actions. We're exploring learning our classmates’ names, recognizing our own names and starting to print our names. We’re also exploring talking about stories that we’ve read as well as telling some of our own.

Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Clarke are looking forward to an amazing year!