Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Literacy Scavenger Hunt Activity

What you need:
  • post-it notes
  • pencil & eraser
  • objects in your home that your child can find

What to do:
  1. Write a letter on a post it note and give it to your child.
  2. See if they can name the letter and tell the sound it makes (help them if they're not sure)
  3. Have them go on a scavenger hunt around the house to find something that begins with that letter (e.g., Bb - banana).
  4. Have them put the sticky note on the object they found.
  5. Have them share with you what they found.
  6. Repeat with other letters.

  • Find an object that rhymes with a word you give them (e.g., duck/truck, loon/spoon, bear/chair)
  • Once they've found the object that begins with the letter they found, have them try to sound out and write a word for it.
  • Give them a letter and see if they can find an object in the house that ENDS with that letter (e.g., Ll = doll, wall, etc.)

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